What AI provider is used? We currently use Anthropic to power our temporary chat feature. We could be using OpenAI too. We usually select the AI provider providing the most performant models.

How long are conversations retained? When "temporary chat" mode is activated, conversation data is automatically deleted after 30 days.

Where is the data deleted from? The data is deleted from our database and from Anthropic servers after 30 days. Read more.

Why should I use temporary chats? We recommend using temporary chats when dealing with potentially sensitive information. However, we still advise avoiding sharing sensitive data whenever possible.

Is response time affected? Yes, response time in temporary chat mode may be slightly slower compared to our standard models. We’re actively working on improving this.

What about data privacy for EU customers? For EU customers and users: Please note that "temporary chats" still transfer data to the US as we rely on an Anthropic model for this feature. We’re developing a 100% EU-hosted assistant, the ISMS Copilot EU. It’s currently in beta, but it should be available soon. If you’re particularly interested in the EU version, please let us know.

We’d love your feedback! Do you like this new temporary chat ability? We’re eager to hear your thoughts!